Table of Contents :
Steps to Configure Liferay on Local Machine:
Steps to Configure PluginSDK on local system:
Steps to setup database in Liferay using Service.xml :
Creating First Jsp Portlet in Liferay:
Creating First Struts Portlet in Liferay:
Advance Struts Portlet Setup
1. Liferay Source Code : 5.2.3
2. Tomcat :
3. Eclipse : eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32.exe
4. Jdk : - jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe
5. Ant :
*** Different environment can cause conflict eg. Liferay 5.2 is non compatible with Tomcat 5.5
Trouble shooting steps:
1. Check if you have set JAVA_HOME.
2. Compatibility issue : Liferay 5.1 does not work with Tomcat 6.x
3. Properties files are properly configured.
4. Double quotes in word and eclipse are different watch out for “”.
Steps to Configure Liferay on Local Machine:
2. Install eclipse - eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32.exe
3. Install JDK- jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe
4. Unzip Ant 1.8 at C:/>Ant and create ANT_HOME pointing to C:/>Ant
JAVA_HOME pointing to C:/>JAVA>JDK..
1. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:/>ANT>bin;C:/>Java>JDK6.0(what ever is your path)
5. Create a workspace with directory structure:
1. C:>Liferay-Portal
i. >Tomcat
ii. >workspace
6. Unzip at the location Tomcat under liferay folder as mentioned above.
7. Open eclispse and install subeclipse
i. From Help menu > Install New Software
ii. Click on Add
iii. In name type SVN
iv. In Location :
v. Click on check box Subeclipse and finish.
8. Open the svn perspective from and checkout the portal source code.
1. Right click on Svn repository and add new location svn://
2. Put in the password as guest.
3. Right click and .Check out tag 5.2.3
4. Place the location as C:>Liferay-Portal/workspace.
9. Go back to Java perspective.
1. From Windows Menu>Preference>Java Compiler>Installed Jre > Shift to JDK1.6 instead o f JRE1.6 which was installed on second step.
10. Do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
11. Create a file in portal -same location as
1. app.server.type=tomcat
2. app.server.tomcat.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat
3. app.server.tomcat.version=6.0
5. app.server.tomcat.lib.endorsed.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat/lib/ext
12. Create a file in portal- same location as
13. Create a in portal - same location as
1. lp.ext.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/workspace/ext
14. Go to C:\>Liferay-Portal> Tomcat folder>conf>
1. Update common.loader=${catalina.base}/lib,${catalina.base}/lib/*.jar,${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar,${catalina.home}/lib/ext/*.jar
-----Here we have added ,${catalina.home}/lib/ext/*.jar
15. In Eclipse go to build.xml and doubl click on start target.
Then double click on build.ext target.
----This will create a ext folder in the workspace.
16. From eclipse>Windows Menu> Show View> Navigator.
17. In navigator screen –right click and import ext folder into eclipse.
18. Install Mysql 5.0 from the location
1. Download mysql-5.0.22-win32.exe and Install as standard.
2. mysql-administrator-1.1.9-win
3. start mysql client command prompt from program files
4. mysql > drop database if exists lportal;
create database lportal character set utf8;
grant all on lportal.* to ‘lportal’@’localhost’ identified by
‘lportal’ with grant option;
Grant all on lportal.* to ‘lportal’@’localhost.localdomain’ identified by ‘lportal’ with grant option;
// here we are creating a database with user name and password lportal.
19. Now back in eclipse – in ext folder copy the, at the same location as and respectively.
20. In ext/ext-impl/src/ there is a file Add the below lines in this file
jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/lportal?useUnicode=true&c haracterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false
21. Again do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
22. Now open the build.xml of ext and double click on clean then double click on deploy.
23. Once all done. Create a setenv.bat file in tomcat>bin
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.timezone=GMT
24. Start the tomcat server from bin>startup.bat
25. Go to brower> http://localhost:8080/web/guest.
Steps to Configure PluginSDK on local system:
1. Create a static project in eclipse.
2. Download the pluginsdk or check out from the svn
a. Svn location : svn://
b. Download location :
--Make sure that the version matches.
3. Unzip at the location C:/>Liferay-Portal>workspace>PluginSDK.
26. Open in eclipse. Do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
4. Create a at the same location as
a. app.server.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat
b. java.complier=C:/Java/jdk1.6.0_20
c. project.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/workspace/Plugin SDK
5. Unzip Ant 1.8 at C:/>Ant and create ANT_HOME pointing to C:/>Ant
a. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:/>ANT>bin
6. Go to portlets folder and execute the following command as shown below
C:\Liferay-Portal\workspace\Plugin SDK\portlets>ant -Dportl"Hello World" create
---Here portlet hello has been created under portlets.
7. Now fire > ant deploy
-- this will deploy the portlet
8. Now this helloword portlet is available at inside the Category Samples. (You know where to go for Category, don’t you?)
Configuration file:
liferay-display.xml: This file describes for Liferay what category the portlet should appear under in
the Add Application window.
liferay-portlet.xml: This file describes some optional Liferay-specific enhancements
portlet-name The portlet-name element contains the canonical name of the portlet. This needs to be the same as the portlet-name given in portlet.xml
icon Path to icon image for this portlet
instanceable Indicates if multiple instances of this portlet can appear on the same page.
struts-path Tells the portal that all requests with the path ext/library/* are considered part of this portlet's scope.
For example, a struts-path of ext/library will give us access to /ext/library/view in struts-config.xml, but not /ext/reports/view.
portlet.xml: This files has the below configuration options.
portlet-name: The portlet-name element contains the canonical name of the portlet. Each portlet name is unique within the portlet application. (This is also referred within Liferay Portal as the portlet id)
display-name The display-name type contains a short name that is intended to be displayed by tools. It is used by display-name elements. The display name need not be unique.
portlet-class The portlet-class element contains the fully qualified class name of the portlet.
init-param The init-param element contains a name/value pair as an initialization param of the portlet.
expiration-cache Expiration-cache defines expiration-based caching for this portlet. The parameter indicates the time in seconds after which the portlet output expires. -1 indicates that the output never expires.
supports The supports element contains the supported mime-type. Supports also indicates the portlet modes a portlet supports for a specific content type. All portlets must support the view mode.
portlet-info Portlet-info defines portlet information.
The securit-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security role reference in the code of the
web application. Specifically in Liferay, the role-name references which role’s can access the portlet.
(A Power User can personalize the portal, whereas a User cannot.)
Steps to setup database in Liferay using Service.xml :
We are taking an example of Reports which is supplied by Liferay ext code.
1. In eclipse move to location :ext\ext-impl\src\com\ext\portlet\reports\service.xml
2. In ext-impl >build.xml> build-service-portlets-reports (double click on this target)
i. I t will create the required folders, following most of the J2EE design patterns.
ii. It will set up database in mysql as per service.xml.
3. In eclipse move to location ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\reports you will see 3 files belonging to reports portlet.
4. In eclipse move to location C:\Liferay-Portal\workspace\ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF
i. It has configuration files for the reports portlet.
Portlet-ext.xml : Defines the portlet.
Liferay-portlet-ext.xml: Defining custom portlet registration in Liferay portal.
Liferay-display.xml: Shows the category in which the portlet should appear.
Struts-config.xml : Define action mapping on basis of struts.
Tiles-defs.xml: Defining tiles based on the Struts.
Creating First Jsp Portlet in Liferay:
1. Locate /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF
Open portlet-ext.xml and place the below code in between </portlet> and </portlet-app>
<display-name>JSP Portlet Introduction </display-name>
<resource-bundle> com.liferay.portlet.StrutsResourceBundle
2. Open liferay-portlet-ext.xml in /docroot/WEB-INF and add the following lines below <!—Custom Portlets -- - >
3. In eclipse go to location \ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext. Create a folder
4. Inside jsp_portlet folder create a file init.jsp. Replace the contents with below contents
<%include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
5. Inside jsp_portlet folder create a file view.jsp. Replace the contents with below contents.
<%include file ="/html/portlet/ext/jsp_portlet/init.jsp" %>
<a href="" title="First Jsp">Jsp Portlet for Palm Tree</a>
<a href="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">
<img border="0" src=""></img></a>
6. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view. Stop Tomcat server.
Double click on deploy target.
7. Start Tomcat Server. You will see the jsp portlet in Add application>Undefined Category.
8. Set the title in Open file in ext/ext-impl/src/content folder.
Add the following line of code after the line javax.portlet.title.EXT_1=Reports
Javax.portlet.title.jsp_portlet= First Jsp
9. Set the category in liferay-display.xml. Open liferay-display.xml file in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF folder and open it.
Add the following line of code after the line <portlet id =”EXT_1” /> and save it.
<portlet id=”jsp_portlet”>
10. Stop Tomcat Server.
11. Get build.xml from ext/ext-impl into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
12. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
13. Start Tomcat Server.
---For fast deploy- for the changes made to view.jsp
Double click the target deploy-fast.
Creating First Struts Portlet in Liferay:
1. Create a package name com.ext.portlet.bookreports in the ext/ext-impl/src then create a portlet class name BookReportsPortlet.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import com.liferay.portlet.StrutsPortlet;
public class BookReportsPortlet extends StrutsPortlet {
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,
RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);
2. Locate portlet-ext.xml file in the ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF. Add the following line between
</portlet> and </portlet-app>
<display-name>Book Reports </display-name>
<name>Liferay Book</name>
<value>Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets</value>
3. Now lets configure book_reports in liferay-portlet-ext.xml in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF as follows.
4. Create the portlet action class named ViewBookReportsAction which extends PortletAction under com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action package in /ext/ext-impl/src folder.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.WindowState;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import com.liferay.portal.struts.PortletAction;
public class ViewBookReportsAction extends PortletAction{
public ActionForward render(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, PortletConfig portletConfig, RenderRequest renderRequest,RenderResponse renderResponse)throws Exception{
return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.book_reports.view");
List<String> reports = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
reports.add("1: Prefrences book - " + prefs.getValue("Liferay Book", ""));
reports.add("2: Window State - " + renderRequest.getWindowState());
reports.add("3: Portlet Mode -" + renderRequest.getPortletMode().toString());
reports.add("4: Portlet Session -"+ renderRequest.getPortletSession().getId());
return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports");
5. Locate struts-config.xml file in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF . Add the following lines
<!-- Book Reports Struts -->
<action path="/ext/book_reports/view_reports" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.ViewBookReportsAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" />
6. Locate the tiles-defs.xml in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF. Add the following lines immediately after <tiles-definitions> and save them
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view.jsp" />
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view_reports.jsp" />
7. Create the /book_reports folder under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext folder
a. Create a init.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports.
<%@ include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
<%@ page import = "java.util.List,javax.portlet.PortletPreferences,javax.portlet.RenderRequest" %>
PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
b. Create a view.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports.
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<a href ="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" />">
Preferce : Liferay Book - <%= prefs.getValue("Liferay Book","") %>
c. Create a view_reports.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<% List reports = (List)request.getAttribute("reports"); %>
<div> <liferay-ui:message key="view-reports" />
<a href ="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">Palm Tree Publication</a>
<a href="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">
<img border="0" src =""
<% for (int i=0; i<reports.size();i++){
String reportName=(String)reports.get(i);
%><%= reportName %>
<br><% } %>
8. To change the title. Locate file under /ext/ext-impl/src/content folder and open it and add the following lines
javax.portlet.title.book_reports=Book Reports
view-reports=View Reports for Books
book-reports=Reports for Books
##Category titles
9. To change the category. Locate liferay-display.xml file in the /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF and open it
a. Add the following lines between </category> and </display> and save the file
</category name="">
<portlet id="book_reports"/>
10. Stop Tomcat Server.
11. Get build.xml from ext/ext-impl into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
12. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
13. Start Tomcat Server.
---For fast deploy- for the changes made to view.jsp
Double click the target deploy-fast.
Summary of steps :
1. Define portlet in portlet.xml.
2. Inform liferay about the portlet in liferay-portlet-ext.xml.
3. Configure struts-config.xml
4. Configure tiles-def.xml
5. Code for Action and jsp files.
6. Set the display title
7. Set the category in liferay-display.xml
8. Redeploy all.
Advance Struts Portlet Setup
1. Create a AddBookAction inside the package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action of ext/ext-impl/src.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
import com.liferay.portal.struts.PortletAction;
public class AddBookAction extends PortletAction {
public void processAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
PortletConfig config, ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res)
throws Exception {
String title = req.getParameter("title");
if (Validator.isNull(title)) {
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.error");
} else {
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.success");
public ActionForward render(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
PortletConfig config, RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(getForward(req,
2. Add the below lines to struts-config.xml
<action path="/ext/book_reports/add_book" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.AddBookAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.error"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.error" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.success"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.success" />
3. Add the below lines to tiles-def.xml
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.error" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/error.jsp" />
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.success" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/success.jsp" />
4. Update the view.jsp in folder ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports
<%@ include file="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp"%>
<a href="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" />">
Preferce : Liferay Book - <%=prefs.getValue("Liferay Book", "")%> </a>
<br />
<br />
action="<portlet:actionURL windoState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" >
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/ext/book_reports/add_book"/>
method="post" name="<portlet:namespace />fm">
<div style="color: #12558E">Book Title : <input
name="<portlet:namespace />title" size="35" type="text" value="">
</input> <input onClick="submitForm(document.<portlet:namespace />fm);"
style="margin-top: 5px;" type="button" value="Add Book"></input> <br />
5. Create a success.jsp file with the following content and save it. At location
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<%String title = request.getParameter("title"); %>
<div style="text-align: cente">
Success ! Book Title: <i> <%=title %></i>
6. Create a error.jsp file with the following content and save it. . At location
<%@ include file=”/hmtl/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp” %>
<div sytle=”text-align: center”> Error! The Book Title is null!
7. Create a database setup . Located at \ext\ext-impl\src\com\ext\portlet\bookreports
Create a service.xml file as follows
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service-builder PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder 5.2.0//EN" "">
<service-builder package-path="com.ext.portlet.bookreports">
<entity name="BookReportsEntry" uuid="true" local-service="true" remote-service="true" persistence-class="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.service.persistence.BookReportsEntryPersistenceImpl">
<!-- PK fields -->
<column name="entryId" type="Long" primary="true" />
<!-- Group instance -->
<column name="groupid" type="Long"></column>
<!-- Audit fields -->
<column name="companyId" type="Long" />
<column name="userId" type="Long" />
<column name="userName" type="String" />
<column name="createDate" type="Date" />
<column name="modifiedDate" type="Date" />
<!-- Other fields -->
<column name="name" type="String" />
<column name="title" type="String"></column>
<!-- Order -->
<order by="asc">
<order-column name="title" case-sensitive="false" />
8. Locate /ext/ext-impl/build-parent.xml and open it.
Add the following lines
<target name="build-service-portlet-bookreports">
<antcall target="build-service">
<param name="service.file" value="src/com/ext/portlet/bookreports/service.xml" />
9. Get the build-parent.xml into Ant view from /ext/ext-impl and double click on target
10. Create a database table follow the steps:
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysql --user=lportal --password=lportal
>Use lportal;
>create table bookreportsentry(uuid_ varchar(75) null,
entryid bigint not null primary key,
groupid bigint,
companyid bigint,
userid bigint null,
username varchar(100) null,
createDate datetime null,
modifiedDate datetime null,
name varchar(511) null,
title varchar(511) null);
11. Now create an action class named BookLocalServiceUtil under com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action
Package of the /ext/ext-impl/src
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import com.ext.portlet.bookreports.model.BookReportsEntry;
import com.ext.portlet.bookreports.service.BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay;
public class BookLocalServiceUtil {
public static BookReportsEntry addBook(ActionRequest req)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) req
long userId = themeDisplay.getUserId();
String title = req.getParameter("title");
User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(userId);
Date now = new Date();
long bookId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(BookReportsEntry.class
BookReportsEntry book = BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.createBookReportsEntry(bookId);
return book;
public static List<BookReportsEntry> getAll() throws PortalException,
SystemException {
int end = BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.getBookReportsEntriesCount();
return BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.getBookReportsEntries(0,end);
12. Add the following in AddBookAction inside processAction
BookLocalServiceUtil.addBook(req); above
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.success");
13. Add the following in AddBookAction inside render before return.mapping.findForward(getForward.(req,”portlet.ext.book_reports.view”));
String title = req.getParameter(“title”);
14. For ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF\struts-config.xml file , add the following lines immediately after <!—Book reports -->
<!-- Book Reports Struts -->
<action path="/ext/book_reports/view_books" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.AddBookAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books"/>
15. Similarly for ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF\tiles-defs.xml add the following lines immediately after <!—Book reports -- >
<definition name ="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books" extends="portlet">
<put name ="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view_books.jsp" />
16. Add the following line below <%@ include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
In init.jsp file location ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports\init.jsp
<%@page import ="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.model.BookReportsEntry" %>
<%@ page import ="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.BookLocalServiceUtil" %>
17. Add the following line below </br> </br> \ext\ext-
<a href="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/ext/book_reports/view_books"/>
View All Books.
18. Now we can retrieve records using view_books.jsp. Lets create a view_books.jsp.
\ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports location.
<%@ include file="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<% List books =(List) BookLocalServiceUtil.getAll();
BookReportsEntry book =null;%>
<table style="border: lpx solid #CCC; width; 100%;padding:5px;">
<td style="color: #12558E;">Book ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Group ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Company ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">User ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">User Name</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Title</td>
<c:if test="<%=books!=null %>">
<% for (int i=0; i<books.size(); i++ ){
<td><%=book.getEntryId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getGroupid() %></td>
<td><%=book.getCompanyId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getUserId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getUserName() %></td>
<td><%=book.getTitle() %></td>
Steps to Configure Liferay on Local Machine:
Steps to Configure PluginSDK on local system:
Steps to setup database in Liferay using Service.xml :
Creating First Jsp Portlet in Liferay:
Creating First Struts Portlet in Liferay:
Advance Struts Portlet Setup
1. Liferay Source Code : 5.2.3
2. Tomcat :
3. Eclipse : eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32.exe
4. Jdk : - jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe
5. Ant :
*** Different environment can cause conflict eg. Liferay 5.2 is non compatible with Tomcat 5.5
Trouble shooting steps:
1. Check if you have set JAVA_HOME.
2. Compatibility issue : Liferay 5.1 does not work with Tomcat 6.x
3. Properties files are properly configured.
4. Double quotes in word and eclipse are different watch out for “”.
Steps to Configure Liferay on Local Machine:
2. Install eclipse - eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-win32.exe
3. Install JDK- jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe
4. Unzip Ant 1.8 at C:/>Ant and create ANT_HOME pointing to C:/>Ant
JAVA_HOME pointing to C:/>JAVA>JDK..
1. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:/>ANT>bin;C:/>Java>JDK6.0(what ever is your path)
5. Create a workspace with directory structure:
1. C:>Liferay-Portal
i. >Tomcat
ii. >workspace
6. Unzip at the location Tomcat under liferay folder as mentioned above.
7. Open eclispse and install subeclipse
i. From Help menu > Install New Software
ii. Click on Add
iii. In name type SVN
iv. In Location :
v. Click on check box Subeclipse and finish.
8. Open the svn perspective from and checkout the portal source code.
1. Right click on Svn repository and add new location svn://
2. Put in the password as guest.
3. Right click and .Check out tag 5.2.3
4. Place the location as C:>Liferay-Portal/workspace.
9. Go back to Java perspective.
1. From Windows Menu>Preference>Java Compiler>Installed Jre > Shift to JDK1.6 instead o f JRE1.6 which was installed on second step.
10. Do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
11. Create a file in portal -same location as
1. app.server.type=tomcat
2. app.server.tomcat.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat
3. app.server.tomcat.version=6.0
5. app.server.tomcat.lib.endorsed.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat/lib/ext
12. Create a file in portal- same location as
13. Create a in portal - same location as
1. lp.ext.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/workspace/ext
14. Go to C:\>Liferay-Portal> Tomcat folder>conf>
1. Update common.loader=${catalina.base}/lib,${catalina.base}/lib/*.jar,${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar,${catalina.home}/lib/ext/*.jar
-----Here we have added ,${catalina.home}/lib/ext/*.jar
15. In Eclipse go to build.xml and doubl click on start target.
Then double click on build.ext target.
----This will create a ext folder in the workspace.
16. From eclipse>Windows Menu> Show View> Navigator.
17. In navigator screen –right click and import ext folder into eclipse.
18. Install Mysql 5.0 from the location
1. Download mysql-5.0.22-win32.exe and Install as standard.
2. mysql-administrator-1.1.9-win
3. start mysql client command prompt from program files
4. mysql > drop database if exists lportal;
create database lportal character set utf8;
grant all on lportal.* to ‘lportal’@’localhost’ identified by
‘lportal’ with grant option;
Grant all on lportal.* to ‘lportal’@’localhost.localdomain’ identified by ‘lportal’ with grant option;
// here we are creating a database with user name and password lportal.
19. Now back in eclipse – in ext folder copy the, at the same location as and respectively.
20. In ext/ext-impl/src/ there is a file Add the below lines in this file
jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/lportal?useUnicode=true&c haracterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false
21. Again do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
22. Now open the build.xml of ext and double click on clean then double click on deploy.
23. Once all done. Create a setenv.bat file in tomcat>bin
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.timezone=GMT
24. Start the tomcat server from bin>startup.bat
25. Go to brower> http://localhost:8080/web/guest.
Steps to Configure PluginSDK on local system:
1. Create a static project in eclipse.
2. Download the pluginsdk or check out from the svn
a. Svn location : svn://
b. Download location :
--Make sure that the version matches.
3. Unzip at the location C:/>Liferay-Portal>workspace>PluginSDK.
26. Open in eclipse. Do a file search and replace all instances of ${} in workspace with the your name eg. harshal.
4. Create a at the same location as
a. app.server.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/Tomcat
b. java.complier=C:/Java/jdk1.6.0_20
c. project.dir=C:/Liferay-Portal/workspace/Plugin SDK
5. Unzip Ant 1.8 at C:/>Ant and create ANT_HOME pointing to C:/>Ant
a. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:/>ANT>bin
6. Go to portlets folder and execute the following command as shown below
C:\Liferay-Portal\workspace\Plugin SDK\portlets>ant -Dportl"Hello World" create
---Here portlet hello has been created under portlets.
7. Now fire > ant deploy
-- this will deploy the portlet
8. Now this helloword portlet is available at inside the Category Samples. (You know where to go for Category, don’t you?)
Configuration file:
liferay-display.xml: This file describes for Liferay what category the portlet should appear under in
the Add Application window.
liferay-portlet.xml: This file describes some optional Liferay-specific enhancements
portlet-name The portlet-name element contains the canonical name of the portlet. This needs to be the same as the portlet-name given in portlet.xml
icon Path to icon image for this portlet
instanceable Indicates if multiple instances of this portlet can appear on the same page.
struts-path Tells the portal that all requests with the path ext/library/* are considered part of this portlet's scope.
For example, a struts-path of ext/library will give us access to /ext/library/view in struts-config.xml, but not /ext/reports/view.
portlet.xml: This files has the below configuration options.
portlet-name: The portlet-name element contains the canonical name of the portlet. Each portlet name is unique within the portlet application. (This is also referred within Liferay Portal as the portlet id)
display-name The display-name type contains a short name that is intended to be displayed by tools. It is used by display-name elements. The display name need not be unique.
portlet-class The portlet-class element contains the fully qualified class name of the portlet.
init-param The init-param element contains a name/value pair as an initialization param of the portlet.
expiration-cache Expiration-cache defines expiration-based caching for this portlet. The parameter indicates the time in seconds after which the portlet output expires. -1 indicates that the output never expires.
supports The supports element contains the supported mime-type. Supports also indicates the portlet modes a portlet supports for a specific content type. All portlets must support the view mode.
portlet-info Portlet-info defines portlet information.
The securit-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security role reference in the code of the
web application. Specifically in Liferay, the role-name references which role’s can access the portlet.
(A Power User can personalize the portal, whereas a User cannot.)
Steps to setup database in Liferay using Service.xml :
We are taking an example of Reports which is supplied by Liferay ext code.
1. In eclipse move to location :ext\ext-impl\src\com\ext\portlet\reports\service.xml
2. In ext-impl >build.xml> build-service-portlets-reports (double click on this target)
i. I t will create the required folders, following most of the J2EE design patterns.
ii. It will set up database in mysql as per service.xml.
3. In eclipse move to location ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\reports you will see 3 files belonging to reports portlet.
4. In eclipse move to location C:\Liferay-Portal\workspace\ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF
i. It has configuration files for the reports portlet.
Portlet-ext.xml : Defines the portlet.
Liferay-portlet-ext.xml: Defining custom portlet registration in Liferay portal.
Liferay-display.xml: Shows the category in which the portlet should appear.
Struts-config.xml : Define action mapping on basis of struts.
Tiles-defs.xml: Defining tiles based on the Struts.
Creating First Jsp Portlet in Liferay:
1. Locate /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF
Open portlet-ext.xml and place the below code in between </portlet> and </portlet-app>
<display-name>JSP Portlet Introduction </display-name>
<resource-bundle> com.liferay.portlet.StrutsResourceBundle
2. Open liferay-portlet-ext.xml in /docroot/WEB-INF and add the following lines below <!—Custom Portlets -- - >
3. In eclipse go to location \ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext. Create a folder
4. Inside jsp_portlet folder create a file init.jsp. Replace the contents with below contents
<%include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
5. Inside jsp_portlet folder create a file view.jsp. Replace the contents with below contents.
<%include file ="/html/portlet/ext/jsp_portlet/init.jsp" %>
<a href="" title="First Jsp">Jsp Portlet for Palm Tree</a>
<a href="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">
<img border="0" src=""></img></a>
6. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view. Stop Tomcat server.
Double click on deploy target.
7. Start Tomcat Server. You will see the jsp portlet in Add application>Undefined Category.
8. Set the title in Open file in ext/ext-impl/src/content folder.
Add the following line of code after the line javax.portlet.title.EXT_1=Reports
Javax.portlet.title.jsp_portlet= First Jsp
9. Set the category in liferay-display.xml. Open liferay-display.xml file in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF folder and open it.
Add the following line of code after the line <portlet id =”EXT_1” /> and save it.
<portlet id=”jsp_portlet”>
10. Stop Tomcat Server.
11. Get build.xml from ext/ext-impl into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
12. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
13. Start Tomcat Server.
---For fast deploy- for the changes made to view.jsp
Double click the target deploy-fast.
Creating First Struts Portlet in Liferay:
1. Create a package name com.ext.portlet.bookreports in the ext/ext-impl/src then create a portlet class name BookReportsPortlet.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import com.liferay.portlet.StrutsPortlet;
public class BookReportsPortlet extends StrutsPortlet {
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,
RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);
2. Locate portlet-ext.xml file in the ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF. Add the following line between
</portlet> and </portlet-app>
<display-name>Book Reports </display-name>
<name>Liferay Book</name>
<value>Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets</value>
3. Now lets configure book_reports in liferay-portlet-ext.xml in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF as follows.
4. Create the portlet action class named ViewBookReportsAction which extends PortletAction under com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action package in /ext/ext-impl/src folder.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.WindowState;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import com.liferay.portal.struts.PortletAction;
public class ViewBookReportsAction extends PortletAction{
public ActionForward render(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, PortletConfig portletConfig, RenderRequest renderRequest,RenderResponse renderResponse)throws Exception{
return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.book_reports.view");
List<String> reports = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
reports.add("1: Prefrences book - " + prefs.getValue("Liferay Book", ""));
reports.add("2: Window State - " + renderRequest.getWindowState());
reports.add("3: Portlet Mode -" + renderRequest.getPortletMode().toString());
reports.add("4: Portlet Session -"+ renderRequest.getPortletSession().getId());
return mapping.findForward("portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports");
5. Locate struts-config.xml file in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF . Add the following lines
<!-- Book Reports Struts -->
<action path="/ext/book_reports/view_reports" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.ViewBookReportsAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" />
6. Locate the tiles-defs.xml in /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF. Add the following lines immediately after <tiles-definitions> and save them
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view.jsp" />
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_reports" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view_reports.jsp" />
7. Create the /book_reports folder under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext folder
a. Create a init.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports.
<%@ include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
<%@ page import = "java.util.List,javax.portlet.PortletPreferences,javax.portlet.RenderRequest" %>
PortletPreferences prefs = renderRequest.getPreferences();
b. Create a view.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports.
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<a href ="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" />">
Preferce : Liferay Book - <%= prefs.getValue("Liferay Book","") %>
c. Create a view_reports.jsp under the /ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/book_reports
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<% List reports = (List)request.getAttribute("reports"); %>
<div> <liferay-ui:message key="view-reports" />
<a href ="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">Palm Tree Publication</a>
<a href="" title="Liferay Portal Enterprise Intranets">
<img border="0" src =""
<% for (int i=0; i<reports.size();i++){
String reportName=(String)reports.get(i);
%><%= reportName %>
<br><% } %>
8. To change the title. Locate file under /ext/ext-impl/src/content folder and open it and add the following lines
javax.portlet.title.book_reports=Book Reports
view-reports=View Reports for Books
book-reports=Reports for Books
##Category titles
9. To change the category. Locate liferay-display.xml file in the /ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF and open it
a. Add the following lines between </category> and </display> and save the file
</category name="">
<portlet id="book_reports"/>
10. Stop Tomcat Server.
11. Get build.xml from ext/ext-impl into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
12. Get build.xml from ext/ext-web into Ant view.
Double click clean on deploy target.
13. Start Tomcat Server.
---For fast deploy- for the changes made to view.jsp
Double click the target deploy-fast.
Summary of steps :
1. Define portlet in portlet.xml.
2. Inform liferay about the portlet in liferay-portlet-ext.xml.
3. Configure struts-config.xml
4. Configure tiles-def.xml
5. Code for Action and jsp files.
6. Set the display title
7. Set the category in liferay-display.xml
8. Redeploy all.
Advance Struts Portlet Setup
1. Create a AddBookAction inside the package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action of ext/ext-impl/src.
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
import com.liferay.portal.struts.PortletAction;
public class AddBookAction extends PortletAction {
public void processAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
PortletConfig config, ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res)
throws Exception {
String title = req.getParameter("title");
if (Validator.isNull(title)) {
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.error");
} else {
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.success");
public ActionForward render(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
PortletConfig config, RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(getForward(req,
2. Add the below lines to struts-config.xml
<action path="/ext/book_reports/add_book" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.AddBookAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.error"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.error" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.success"
path="portlet.ext.book_reports.success" />
3. Add the below lines to tiles-def.xml
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.error" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/error.jsp" />
<definition name="portlet.ext.book_reports.success" extends="portlet">
<put name="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/success.jsp" />
4. Update the view.jsp in folder ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports
<%@ include file="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp"%>
<a href="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" />">
Preferce : Liferay Book - <%=prefs.getValue("Liferay Book", "")%> </a>
<br />
<br />
action="<portlet:actionURL windoState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>" >
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/ext/book_reports/add_book"/>
method="post" name="<portlet:namespace />fm">
<div style="color: #12558E">Book Title : <input
name="<portlet:namespace />title" size="35" type="text" value="">
</input> <input onClick="submitForm(document.<portlet:namespace />fm);"
style="margin-top: 5px;" type="button" value="Add Book"></input> <br />
5. Create a success.jsp file with the following content and save it. At location
<%@ include file ="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<%String title = request.getParameter("title"); %>
<div style="text-align: cente">
Success ! Book Title: <i> <%=title %></i>
6. Create a error.jsp file with the following content and save it. . At location
<%@ include file=”/hmtl/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp” %>
<div sytle=”text-align: center”> Error! The Book Title is null!
7. Create a database setup . Located at \ext\ext-impl\src\com\ext\portlet\bookreports
Create a service.xml file as follows
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service-builder PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder 5.2.0//EN" "">
<service-builder package-path="com.ext.portlet.bookreports">
<entity name="BookReportsEntry" uuid="true" local-service="true" remote-service="true" persistence-class="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.service.persistence.BookReportsEntryPersistenceImpl">
<!-- PK fields -->
<column name="entryId" type="Long" primary="true" />
<!-- Group instance -->
<column name="groupid" type="Long"></column>
<!-- Audit fields -->
<column name="companyId" type="Long" />
<column name="userId" type="Long" />
<column name="userName" type="String" />
<column name="createDate" type="Date" />
<column name="modifiedDate" type="Date" />
<!-- Other fields -->
<column name="name" type="String" />
<column name="title" type="String"></column>
<!-- Order -->
<order by="asc">
<order-column name="title" case-sensitive="false" />
8. Locate /ext/ext-impl/build-parent.xml and open it.
Add the following lines
<target name="build-service-portlet-bookreports">
<antcall target="build-service">
<param name="service.file" value="src/com/ext/portlet/bookreports/service.xml" />
9. Get the build-parent.xml into Ant view from /ext/ext-impl and double click on target
10. Create a database table follow the steps:
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysql --user=lportal --password=lportal
>Use lportal;
>create table bookreportsentry(uuid_ varchar(75) null,
entryid bigint not null primary key,
groupid bigint,
companyid bigint,
userid bigint null,
username varchar(100) null,
createDate datetime null,
modifiedDate datetime null,
name varchar(511) null,
title varchar(511) null);
11. Now create an action class named BookLocalServiceUtil under com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action
Package of the /ext/ext-impl/src
package com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import com.ext.portlet.bookreports.model.BookReportsEntry;
import com.ext.portlet.bookreports.service.BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay;
public class BookLocalServiceUtil {
public static BookReportsEntry addBook(ActionRequest req)
throws PortalException, SystemException {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) req
long userId = themeDisplay.getUserId();
String title = req.getParameter("title");
User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(userId);
Date now = new Date();
long bookId = CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment(BookReportsEntry.class
BookReportsEntry book = BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.createBookReportsEntry(bookId);
return book;
public static List<BookReportsEntry> getAll() throws PortalException,
SystemException {
int end = BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.getBookReportsEntriesCount();
return BookReportsEntryLocalServiceUtil.getBookReportsEntries(0,end);
12. Add the following in AddBookAction inside processAction
BookLocalServiceUtil.addBook(req); above
setForward(req, "portlet.ext.book_reports.success");
13. Add the following in AddBookAction inside render before return.mapping.findForward(getForward.(req,”portlet.ext.book_reports.view”));
String title = req.getParameter(“title”);
14. For ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF\struts-config.xml file , add the following lines immediately after <!—Book reports -->
<!-- Book Reports Struts -->
<action path="/ext/book_reports/view_books" type="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.AddBookAction">
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view" />
<forward name="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books" path="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books"/>
15. Similarly for ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF\tiles-defs.xml add the following lines immediately after <!—Book reports -- >
<definition name ="portlet.ext.book_reports.view_books" extends="portlet">
<put name ="portlet_content" value="/portlet/ext/book_reports/view_books.jsp" />
16. Add the following line below <%@ include file="/html/common/init.jsp" %>
In init.jsp file location ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports\init.jsp
<%@page import ="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.model.BookReportsEntry" %>
<%@ page import ="com.ext.portlet.bookreports.action.BookLocalServiceUtil" %>
17. Add the following line below </br> </br> \ext\ext-
<a href="<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%=WindowState.MAXIMIZED.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/ext/book_reports/view_books"/>
View All Books.
18. Now we can retrieve records using view_books.jsp. Lets create a view_books.jsp.
\ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\book_reports location.
<%@ include file="/html/portlet/ext/book_reports/init.jsp" %>
<% List books =(List) BookLocalServiceUtil.getAll();
BookReportsEntry book =null;%>
<table style="border: lpx solid #CCC; width; 100%;padding:5px;">
<td style="color: #12558E;">Book ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Group ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Company ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">User ID</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">User Name</td>
<td style="color: #12558E;">Title</td>
<c:if test="<%=books!=null %>">
<% for (int i=0; i<books.size(); i++ ){
<td><%=book.getEntryId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getGroupid() %></td>
<td><%=book.getCompanyId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getUserId() %></td>
<td><%=book.getUserName() %></td>
<td><%=book.getTitle() %></td>
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